Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wednesday, August 16

Nehemiah 10:39

Woodland Hills Baptist Church was 66 years old on June 26, 2017.  
·       In the Old Testament, God had a temple for His people.
·       In the New Testament, He has a people for His temple.

1 Timothy 3:15 

How do we preserve the church?

1…Examination On A Personal Level
Nehemiah 9:1-3

1. Humiliation
Humiliation means getting low to the earth. It is wrong on our part to sit in church as haughty, unbroken, unbent. And, God says, "A broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God"  Psalm 51:17

2. Separation
Nehemiah 9:2
What does that mean? It means that they got alone by themselves; they got quiet; and they came out from the world; and they were separate. 

3. Confession
·       If everybody sang as you just sang in the song service
·       If everybody prayed as you prayed in the invitation
·       If everybody were to give as you will give during the offering
·       If everybody invited people as you will invite people next week
·       If everybody studied their Bible as you study your Bible
·       If everybody witnessed as you witness
What kind of a church would our church be? 

Our Duty to Our Church
1. Attend Church
Hebrews 10:25

Some folks come to the church three times:
·       when they're hatched
·       when they're matched
·       when they're dispatched

2. Defend the Church
Churches of God in America today are under bombardment as they have never been before. We live in a secularist, humanistic value system today, and they are plodding to destroy Bible-believing, not-compromising churches. 

3. Extend the Church
Luke 14:23. Have you ever won a soul to the Lord Jesus Christ? If not, why not? Do you invite people to church on Sunday? 

4. Commend the Church
Let the criticism come from the devil's crowd. Let it come from those outside the Church. Don't criticize the Church. Love the Church. The Church is not perfect. 

It's a society of sinners who finally realized it. 

Why Should We Love the Church?
Because, Jesus Christ loves the Church. Ephesians 5:25

2…Prayerful Reminiscing
Nehemiah 9:4-6

This is the longest prayer in the Bible.  
·       verses 19-31, they spoke of the provisions of God;
·       verses 22, 23, they spoke of the promises of God;
·       verses 24, 25, they spoke of the power of God;
·       verses 26-28, they spoke of the patience of God;
·       verses 29-30, they spoke of the punishments of God.

3…Determination with a purpose

A. A Covenant Before God
Nehemiah 9:38
Nehemiah 10:28

1…A Commitment to Faithfulness
Nehemiah 10:29
They said, "We are going to live by the Word of God. 

2…A Commitment to Their Families
Nehemiah 10:30
Our family life is going to glorify God. 
We are not going to lose our children to the world. 

How to Make your Home the Kind of a Home where You Can Bring your Children up for God

  1. Make your home attractive
  2. Let your children invite friends home
  3. Make your children responsible for daily duties 
  4. Never punish your child in anger
  5. Talk about the Lord
  6. Do not criticize the child as a person
  7. Live uprightly before him at all times
  8. Tell your child you love them
  9. Making character is more important than making money
  10. Pray for a humble heart

3…Concerning their Finances
Nehemiah 10:31

They said, "We're not going to transgress God's laws in business." 

Matthew 6:21
Malachi 3:10

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